HalSail Videos on YouTube
HalSail Channel
How do I register my organisation for a new HalSail account?
How do I input results into HalSail on a desktop or laptop computer?
How do I input results into HalSail on a phone from the committee boat?
How do I input results into HalSail in real time on a laptop on the committee boat?
How do I set up my classes (fleets) in HalSail?
How do I enter boats into the HalSail boat register?
How do I set up my Racing Schedule in HalSail?
How do I allocate boats to guest helms during a series where people swap boats?
HalSail integration with the SailEvent entry and tallying app
How does HalSail implement ORC handicaps?
How does a race officer add a boat to the HalSail boat register provisionally?
Scoring series by helm rather than by boat
High-points scoring
Types of start available in HalSail
How do I spring clean my HalSail account ready for a new season?
How do I send a link to results to a WhatsApp group?
How do I add a HalSail icon to my Android phone's home screen?
How do I add a HalSail icon to the home screen of my iPhone or iPad?
2025 - HalSail Ltd. Site code updated on 04 March 2025 at 12:22:45