How do I specify the races for which I have results?
How does HalSail treat Boats that do not finish a race?
How do I handle boats that tie for a place in a race?
How does HalSail handle boats that have equal scores in overall series results?
What do I do if the boat whose result I need to enter is not on the list?
How do I input results in real time on a phone as boats cross the finish line?
What happens if the normal helm or crew are absent and somebody else is in the boat?
How do I give recompense to somebody doing race-management duty?
How do I respond when a protest committee declares a race void?
How do I view and edit my results?
How can the public see the results?
Can I send emails with links to the latest results?
Can I display my results on a screen in the club bar?
How do I personalise results with my own banner and logos?
Can I score a series by guest helms, rather than by boat?
Time to win: when must slower boats finish in order to win a handicap race?
Can I publish my results on social media?
What are racing classes in HalSail?
What racing classes (fleets) do I need to support my racing programme?
What types of handicap does HalSail support?
How does HalSail implement ORC handicaps?
How does HalSail implement the PHRF handicap scheme?
How does HalSail handle the National Handicap scheme for Cruisers (NHC)?
What is the detailed mathematical explanation of NHC?
How do I enter details of boats?
How do I specify the handicap to be used by each boat?
What standard handicap values are built into HalSail?
Does HalSail automatically get the correct IRC rating for a boat?
How do I update boats to new standard handicap values?
How do I vary a boat's handicap over time?
How can I import boats into HalSail from a spreadsheet or csv file?
Can I import entries and boats tallied afloat from SailEvent?
How do I set up the schedule of races?
What is the meaning of the various switches when setting up a series?
How do I set up the table of discards (excluded races) for a series?
What series scoring systems are available?
How do I set the default discards and scoring for new series?
What are tandem series and how do I use them?
How do I edit the features of an individual race?
How does HalSail handle pursuit races?
Can I run races with staggered starts?
How do I spring clean my HalSail data ready for a new season?
What are 'events' and how can I use them?
How can people enter one of my events?
How should I prepare to do the results of a major event?
Where should I enter the results for a major event?
How do I give recompense to somebody doing race-management duty?
How do I respond when a protest committee declares a race void?